As an American I am all too painfully aware of how unmusical we are on this side of the pond

Perhaps in the clarity of pronunciation the Brits we hear on imported radio and TV programs have an edge. But there are parts of England I visited where the English is hard to understand at best and incoherent at its worst.
I found some Scots accents quite sexy but I met just a few Scots at a party.
Irish accent can be musical (Kildare) high pitched (Kerry) broad and flat (Cork) or very hard to understand (Galway.) Barry Fitgerald who played Michaeleen in "The Quiet Man" had a west Ireland accent.
While here in US of A I have heard some delicious Southern accents, rugged western accents and the Indiana accent of my late husband was enough to raise goose bumps!
To my ear, "upper class" British accents, in some cases, lack any vestage of what could be called warmth. For an example send a private, ok?
So, I guess I take a friendly, poking the Borax, kind of umbrage.