Positive reinforcement. A person is given one for
24 hours sober/clean, then a month, 2 months, 3 months.
Then 1,2,3,etc. years. When given they are usually passed
around to everyone in the room, and these put their
karma, luck, prayers,etc. on it for the person, who
then may carry it in pocket, wallet etc. as inspiration
to keep sobriety. The ones in this site are for Alcoholics
Anonymous, but most of the 12 Step programs have them:
Gamblers Anon, Overeaters A., Computers Anon., Online Gamers
Anon., Shopaholics Anon., Narcotics A., Cocaine A., etc.


Last edited by LukeJavan8; 04/14/11 03:17 PM.

----please, draw me a sheep----