Before I ask this question, I must preface by saying I am married to an amazing woman and have two ridiculously cute daughters. So, in advance, know that I respect women and mean no offense by this.

I’m working on my blog in which my two main purposes are vocabulary and humor. I’m writing content for a page with the top ten reasons why people should follow my blog. They’re not very good reasons; I’m just going primarily for laughs. One of my “reasons” has to do with communication between men and women. As a man, it is my duty to poke a little fun at the ladies.

While I think it is fine to do some good-natured ribbing between the sexes, realistically I know there are lines that one shouldn’t cross. So my question is: If you read the following paragraphs, would they offend you or turn you off to my blog?


Rephrazer helps men communicate with women.

It is said that a woman on average speaks 20,000 words on a given day, while a man will use somewhere around 7,000. My personal feeling is that men in general are more efficient speakers than women... but most ladies will try to contend that using more than the necessary amount of words to convey a message makes them superior communicators.

Whatever. We'll agree to disagree, but one thing that everyone can agree on is that it's no fun to argue with a lady. So we'll let them have this one. If they insist that using more words means better communication, we'll just go with it.

This is how Rephrazer can help. We take normal everyday words and obfuscate them by using more words... longer words... thus creating a phrase with the same meaning but using up to four times more syllables. For example, why say "day" when you could use the phrase "diurnal course"? Why underachieve with the word "cow" when you can dazzle with the words "lactating ungulate"? See what I did there? More syllables... more letters... more communication!

Obfuscating your words will also produce a secondary effect leading to even more communication. Chances are, if you use the phrase "lactating ungulate" in a conversation, your acquaintance will ask, "What is a lactating ungulate?" to which you can reply, "It’s a cow." As a result, you've added eight more words to your conversation and left her impressed with your communicative prowess.