
Apology accepted, though totally unnecessary. I took absolutely no offence,and posted simply to seek clarification. I don't sign, and have been jokingly told by several signers that they hate me, meaning that they dislike my public speaking intensely, as my rapid speaking and fondness for long words makes translating quite difficult. ASL's fondness for one-handed finger spelling would actually suit me were I to sign, as it would not require me to use my almost non-functional right hand, so I certainly have no beef against ASL.
I mentioned Nicaraguan SL because I once saw a fascinating documentary about it, and the unique opportunity it has presented to study the evolution of language in general. The last comment I shall make about signing was an amusing anecdote related from an international sporting fixture held in Christchurch, NZ. One of those assigned to greet delegates as they stepped off their buses was signing a welcome in NZSL (I assume), unaware that to some of the delegates the phrase she was signing meant something along the lines of "voulez vous coucher avec moi", which I suspect was rather more welcoming than had been her intent!