When I lived in AK, it was a very common thing to happen. I never heard anyone use any words other than "got stuck to" or "got stuck on" to describe it. It can be extremely painful if temps are very far below zero.

You can get frostbit from this, but the worst thing I ever saw was when a neighbor went out to unplug his car one morning. If your car is not running for more than a few minutes, the oil will get too thick for the car to start and so they "hitching posts" which were posts that contained outlets where you plugged in your car (I don't know what they're really called, but that's what we called them.) There was a "blanket" like thing in your engine that would keep your engine kinda warm so your car would start. Every house, apartment or even grocery stores had these things. Anyway, one more a neighbor went out to unplug his car and his parka pulled away from his mitten as he was retracting the electrical chord and his wrist got stuck to the bumper. He immediately jerked away and a big chunk of frozen meat stayed attached to the bumper. Not a nice way to start the day.

Anyway, I never heard any special word for it.