In the following (rather lengthy sorry!) passage there are eight (8) novels and two (2) plays from all genres hidden in various ways...

The silent man stole quickly into the mansion, burglary was his speciality and he was being well paid for this felony. Climbing through the window he came upon his inside man, ‘inside woman’ he corrected himself; although disliked for her vanity, fair Victoria had much more desperate flaws, foremost among them was a great desire for wealth, gained by any means. A brief whispered plan was followed by Victoria’s gasp as the true invisible nature of the man was put forth as he slipped from shadow to shadow in the house in search of his goal. Unfortunately, the gasp had awoken a manservant who sprung upon them on the stair,
‘Carpe Jugulum!’ Victoria exclaimed in panic,
‘No it’s Carpe Diem you fool!’ the manservant cried, pleased at his discovery of Victoria stealing up the stair at one o’clock in the morning. But her demand had been heard by the thief and the manservant gurgled suddenly before dropping dead and rolling down the stairs, leaving a bright trail of blood.
Shortly after they came upon the room of the man who would consider himself to be king of his breached castle. The man swept through the room, searching for his prize before Victoria strode over to the bed and saw the document beneath the pillow of the sleeping man. Another death later they were safely outside the mansion, and the silent man charged Victoria with creating a valid reason for the two dead men in the house,
‘Faux stories are not my forte’ she whined, but was silenced with a sharp look from the well paid criminal before he disappeared from sight once more.
In the morning two officers of the law appeared at the crime scene after being alerted by a beautiful young woman in hysterics. Said one to the other upon seeing the first deceased body,
‘This is a crime and deserves punishment’
‘Indeed it is and yes it does,’ replied the other, ‘this is indeed a bleak house’ he spoke upon seeing the master of the house dead in his bed. They searched for ‘clues’ and found a trail in the garden, which when followed, led to the desert to the east of the great city,
‘He has no hope of surviving if he crossed that large sand dune’
‘Indeed’ replied the other.
Over lunch they continued their investigation,
‘At least with ham, letter spaghetti never engenders OCD alphabetising, because you see, there is no spaghetti’
Victoria later walked over the sand to find the murdering thief, who heard her coming and so surprised her before her timely death with the words,
‘Be still O wulf’ and withdrawing his dagger from her side, strode off into the twilight, leaving the paper with the dead woman.

Sory it's so long, I got a wee bitty carried away with the story!
Happy Hunting

----The next sentence is true. The previous sentence is false----