No WOW, you're not alone

Thank Heavens! And special thanks to all who responded to my tale so kindly. What scared me was she was not alone, even in her State.
When I spoke to the Officer later he said the problem has increased exponentially in last five years. Scary.
The Discover card one-use number sounds good ... but I shall await developments.
(Cautious old coot emoticon)
On the back of the SS card I had way back in the 1940s, it was printed that it was federal offense to use Social Security for identification. Does anyone know if they changed that federal law?
I tell that to people who ask for mine !
(Glad others do too.)
Sometime in the mid-1960s (Viet Nam war years) the Armed Forces stopped using military "serial number" and changed to SS number. I still remember my late husband's "old" serial number. My Dad, uncles and brothers could reel off thiers at will. Once learned never forgotten.
(Betcha' wwh can remember his!)
Of course the military requires giving up many of the privacy rights enjoyed by civilians!
Could it be the military started something that was taken up by other institution?
Excuse me while I go write my Senator and Congressman ...