I don't think he was being
Originally Posted By: Sldgman
he was merely giving his view point. I imagine people who do not believe in religion may get annoyed if he had gone to the other extreme...he was expressing his own personal opinion, you are free to judge that how you wish, he was not trying to force you to believe what he does.

I have strong beliefs about Science Fiction and how people have completely the wrong idea about what it is and how they refuse to accept that whatever they are watching/reading is, infact, SF. I vocalise these beliefs and some disagree with me, which is fine, but none of them never talk to me again because that is what I believe...they are entitled to their opinion and I to mine. Anu was not forcing his beliefs into your head, he was merely stating his beliefs as you have done here. That should be OK and as Voltaire said 'I do not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it'

I believe that it is the topic itself which becomes offensive - if it were a statement about how the media blows things out of all proportion and so should not be believed but you thought the opposite, it is unlikely that you would take offense. You are allowed to believe what you like and obviously feel strongly about certain things, but think about how it would be if you wrote something in which you believed and others became offended and outraged at something you thought not offensive at all? To take such offense at another's beliefs is intolerant and in my (rather limited) experience, tolerant is something that people tend to enjoy being. You are entitled to be upset about things but that is no reason to abandon something so brilliant as AWAD. I am sure Anu did not write it to annoy or offend you but to explain his viewpoint with which you may or may not agree. Accept his view and accept that you both disagree...maybe an interesting discussion will follow, maybe it will never be mentioned again...

To end, another Voltaire quote 'I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write'

----The next sentence is true. The previous sentence is false----