There, there, bext, calme-toi. [pat, pat]

This is what the "other OED" (Online Etymology Dictionary) has:
late 14c., ethimolegia "facts of the origin and development of a word," from O.Fr. et(h)imologie (14c., Mod.Fr. étymologie), from L. etymologia, from Gk. etymologia, properly "study of the true sense of a word," from etymon "true sense" (neut. of etymos "true," related to eteos "true") + logos "word." In classical times, of meanings; later, of histories. Latinized by Cicero as veriloquium. As a branch of linguistic science, from 1640s. Related: Etymological; etymologically.

FWIW, I like this one better than the real OED's.

Edit: speaking of coincidence (hi, tsuwm); I just happened to have the "other OED" site up, having just looked up Septuagint. Our pastor was telling us about it last night at Bible Study, and when I asked if it was based on something about seven, he said no!