Originally Posted By: Candy
I'm sorry guys BUT I really voted for D
I loved D as answer....by some glitch I must typed the wrong letter....lucky it was mine..my one I am taking the vote away from...didn't anyone think it was ambiguous?...me saying what I said..about wooden swords then voting something different shocked

Can you edit the results tsuwim, please.

Candy, I'm going to quote from the Hogwash Rules here, which I haven't had the chance to do for some time: scoring, such as it is with points not mattering, is virtually at the whim of the moderator/hogmasterŪ [see latest round, e.g.]. whinging to the hogmaster, while encouraged, has been shown to be completely ineffectual.

the operative words here being points not mattering and whinging.. completely ineffectual. so, not wanting to set any bad precedents (or bad presidents either), and you having made your intents clear to one and all... the ruling on the field stands.

Originally Posted By: Candy
I turning Japanese too....I remember in the movie KILL BILL, the character played by Uma Thurman practising with a wooden sword, so I'm voting for.......B Actually replica swords from the movie became very popular.

(yes, it's quite obvious that I took you literally here, but not literally so. : )