Wow, while a huge load of snow is a nuisance, at least you got what you expected. Here in Baltimore the prediction started at 2 feet of snow, later revised to 12 to 15 inches. All the supermarkets were sold out of bread, milk and toilet paper in short order (which always happens when there is a prediction of snow, no matter how little), and the hardware stores sold out of snow shovels. What actually happened was about a half inch of very wet snow on top of a half inch of slush -- we had rain for 24 hours and snow for about 2. As of this morning, it's all gone and the sun is shining.

While I am heartly giving thanks at being rescued from having to shovel snow (a perilous undertaking for an old geezer with a dicky heart), I am also greatly enjoying the discomfiture of all the TV weathermen who were unanimous in giving out with the information that this was going to be a major snow event and no mistake possible (they had to say that because they gave out with a similar false prediction earlier this winter.)