Jackie, the stories of Louisville brought a happy tug at my heartstrings.
I hope you are all ok out there!
For those outside the North East of USA, we got socked with a March BLIZARD yesterday and overnight ... it's 9 a.m. and still snowing.
About two feet to three of heavy, wet snow along the North East seacoast complicated by high winds (60 to 70 mph) overnight and full moon high tide this morning.
All coastal roads from Boston, Mass. to Portland Maine are closed or passable only by emergency equipment. Schools all closed. Mass universities on spring break. Many NH colleges closed.
The easterly winds blowing in the high tide waters over seawalls and once there the water's trapped. Sewers and catch basins will eventually take care of water but only in stops-and-starts as the water can't go anywhere when tides are coming in.
In some areas north of Boston they have removable sections of seawalls to compensate for storm surges but, all in all, it's a mess. Cape Cod is only area that escaped heavy snow.
In my yard I have a park bench -- the kind with wrought iron ends and wooden slat seat and back -- it is completely covered in snow even though it's sheltered by the garden shed. Trees and all branches all snowy from trunks to tips.
Only happy people are the teenagers who will make some major money shovelling people out!
My son came to plow a swipe in driveway (at about 5 a.m.) and the dear one also shovelled the path to my front door.
Poor pup Pearl couldn't get out to her fenced back yard as the snow had packed the doorstep and I can't get door open! So she peed on the shovelled path, giving me a bewildered look over her shoulder!
Some of our community conscious men are shovelling around the water hydrants just in case of fire emergency.
Well, I am in for today and probably tomorrow as well! All stocked up with food and beverages so I am cozy as we have heat and (obviously) electric ... so we're better of than some folk.
Finally, storm bad enough to cause the shut down of Seabrook Nucler Power Plant.That's a helluvalot of snow!
P.S. It's now almost 11 a.m. -- no telephone for about an hour half. Still snowing!