I can't resist bragging on my home town for this. In our
paper today, there is an article that is a follow-up to one that appeared last week, about a family with a terminally-ill father. They were asking for people to donate frequent-flyer miles, so they could take their 6-year-old to Disney
World for one last thing for her to remember about her Dad.
This article said to contact the Dream Foundation, which is based in California, 3 hours behind us in time zones.

Today's article said that, within two hours of their office opening the day that first article appeared, they had enough and more. The director said she's never seen anything like it, and that she just might move to Louisville.

About three years ago, right after a terrible snowstorm,
word went out on the airwaves that a donor organ had become available for a four-year-old from here, but that the plane to fly her to it couldn't leave. People turned out in droves with their snow shovels, and cleared the runway, and that child and her tearful father were out of here. I've been told that got written up in one of the Chicken Soup books. I think I live in a pretty neat place.