golem from Yiddish goylem, from Hebrew golem (shapeless mass).

Gollum (as Smeagol) is the fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's book, The Hobbit, and he becomes a more important character later in the series The Lord of the Rings. He develops a form of schizophrenia as the fight between his old, good self and the new Gollum (who is a slave to the ring) fight for survival.

I wonder if the name gollum came to being from the word golum?

"Smeagol was a person of Hobbit-kind who committed murder to obtain the One Ring. The Ring consumed his mind and body and he became the creature known as Gollum, but a part of his former self survived. When the Ring was lost he set out to recover it, but in the end he was instrumental in the Ring's destruction. (quote from the encyclopaedia below)

An encyclopedia of Middle-earth and Numenor

The name Sméagol is derived from the Old English smygel meaning "retreat, burrow." J.R.R. Tolkien.

Golem is used in the Bible to refer to an embryonic or incomplete state. (Psalm 139:16)
Golems are seen today as a metaphor for brainless people or those who serve under controlled conditions, and are hostile to everyone. At the same time, golem is Yiddish slang insult for someone who is clumsy or slow.