In reply to:

I have never been able to understand how anybody could have trouble with the gesture.

Me neither - but others have told me they can NOT do it!

Actually, the reason you nor I have trouble doing this is because we were born with the correct gene - probably something inherited from the Vulcans who originally inhabited this planet (and, of course, taught it to the Kabbalists which is how Leonard Nimoy learned it - when he was researching ancient Vulcan culture in preparing for his role...) and may be watching us even now as we go about our daily lives or take too much time out of it to post messages to this board!

Ya know - the Vulcans actually liked living here, but then they decided to import Tribbles to be their pets and, well, the rest is history, as they say (sort of like what kudzu did to the roadsides of the southern USA).

And, now that I've passed from being a stranger to being a newbie (b'hatz-la-chah to me), I can say, with a clear conscience and a good feeling way deep down inside... Lila tov and see you all on the 'morrow!


suzanne pomeranz, tourism consultant jerusalem, israel -