FUD is a technique employed by used car salesmen to pressure you into signing the papers NOW, RIGHT NOW, BECAUSE WHEN YOU COME BACK THIS BABY WILL BE OUT THE DOOR!

And by some computer salesmen on IT managers - if you go with one of those CHEAPER guys, but they're gonna be outta business soon and then where would you be?

It's also used by some religious practitioners to convince potential acolytes to commit themselves RIGHT NOW, BECAUSE YOU COULD DIE BY MORNING AND THEN WHERE WOULD YOU BE?

Politicians, too, when they want or need to goad colleagues or constituents into immediate action without thinking of the repercussions.

Robert Procter's neologism is appropriate and descriptive, though. Here's an interesting talk about how the of agnotology is implemented: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T4UF_Rmlio