The data are consistent with the increasing trend over the past century, but yes, the data do look to have accelerated from about 2.4 mm/yr over this century to about 3 mm/yr (just eyeballing) over the time period in the graph.

If they had wanted to be dramatic, they could show the increasing trend over a century with the increasing-increasing trend over this decade.

No scientist has predicted that you would get your feet wet. Look up the term "straw man."

And while it's probably of no interest to you - your personally getting your feet wet is no indication of the potential effect on other people. Look up "non sequitur."

Why would you compare the current situation to the peak of the LIG? During the last LIG, do you think that it just jumped to that level in a century or a decade or ... a second?

2.4 - 3 mm/yr rise today compares to 5.6 to 9.2 mm/yr rise throughout LIG.
"Probabilistic assessment of sea level during the last interglacial stage"

However, "polar temperatures [were] ~3–5 °C warmer than today" due partly to the fact that "Earth's orbital eccentricity was more than twice the modern value."

Further, "As a result of industrial activity, greenhouse gas concentrations now exceed levels reached on Earth at any time within the past 800 kyr. Given a climate sensitivity of 2–4.5 °C per doubling of carbon dioxide levels, current greenhouse gas concentrations––without considering any further increases––are sufficient to cause an equilibrium warming of 1.4–3.2 °C."

It is folly of me to continue, being as how peer-reviewed articles in Nature are orchestrated by the Illuminati, NWO, reptilian conspiracy, so I'm done.

Peer-reviewed science is insignificant compared to the awesome power of "because I said so" or "I heard somewhere."