herein are the results of the voting for underfong, with the perps in brackets and the marks listed following. some additional comments:
- first, doc_comfort will be disappointed to find that under- here pretty much just means under, as in undertake
- second, note that these are the original offerings, before normalization
- f) and i) were a little sketchy; this must be why they received no votes. or either because belM tagged them in the very first post. :-p~
- a last minute vote for Faldage (plus one from his SO) gave him the win with 3 votes, thus thwarting the effort of Luke, one of our rooks (who also had 3 votes, but one was an own-vote)
- the belly side? sketchy, bel, sketchy
- kudos (and this lovely internet artifact) go to twosleepy and doc_comfort for sussing out the real def’n (or having the temerity to LIU 8 )

a) An organ stop which produces a low, somewhat diffuse tone, intended to invoke mystery and/or trepidation. From OHG unter, under, and fong, fog. [twosleepy]
b) A layer of protective material worn under battle armour [olly] beck123
c) A very scanty garment, worn under boxer shorts when da' homeboyz be saggin' [beck123]
d) to take in hand; to ensnare; to sustain [fr. G. fangen, to seize] {Webster’s Revised Unabr.} twosleepy, doc_comfort
e) the belly side of a sea anemone [LukeJavan8] BranShea, Luke, belM,
f) to remove the canine teeth from a German fox in order to keep it as a pet [Fr Steve]
g) The lowest strut on the chassis of an 18th century British two-horse carriage [Faldage] Buffy, Asp, Father Steve
h) A thick Mongolian blanket made of felt [belMarduk] Faldage
i) the ancient language of the Fung people of the Blue Nile in the Sudan [tsuwm]
j) (chiefly Aus.) An orthotic device for casual footwear [doc_comfort] olly
k) an undergarment usually worn under the creations of fashion designer Fong Leng, successful designer of baroque outfits since the 1970-80's [BranShea]

the hogmaster™