At the newspaper where I worked we had an editorial conference about how to differentiate between the area where the land meets the ocean and the towns along the coastline. Finally decided to go with the commonly used local differentiation : the land-ocean as the seacoast and the towns near the ocean as The Seacoast.
The Seacoast towns are (north to south) Portsmouth, Rye, North Hampton, Hampton, Seabrook and Hampton Falls. All but Hampton Falls abuts the ocean but Hampton Falls is so integral to the area that it is included in the group. What The Falls lacks in beach it makes up for with a wonderful apple orchard where we can buy variety of apples galore for every eating/cooking purpose and in winter also cross-country ski on the paths through the groves thanks to the Wagner Family which owns Applecrest.
Why do I suddenly feel the need to have a piece of buttered,warmed apple pie? Must be a Yankee ...
(Mouth watering emoticon here).
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