My wife and I write Love letters to each other everyday. Ocsionally I try to write them as poems.

May Day
by Myself 2008

Oh! How sweet
The smell
Of the clean spring air.
The scent of tulips
Pansies and forsythia
Is intoxicating,
Like the bouquet of
New spring wine.

Oh so filling
To my senses,
The rising sunlight
Shimmers on the morning dew
Making a thousand tiny rainbows dance
On top of the blades of new mown grass.
Oh how beautiful,
Oh how great,
Oh how wonderful,
This day, oh this day
So like the one, now many years past,
My lover, my lady, my joy
Entered my life
Changing it forever.

She is all the sweetness of springtime,
The sweetness of the new blooms;
The aroma of new life she is.
Her kisses so sweet,
Sweeter than wine,
Awe me.