It amazes me when people buy or adopt border collies and then wonder why they love to chase cars! It's hard wired into their genes ... they're herding them!
To me the most important thing said at the Westminster Show (and they say it over and over) is that before you adopt or buy a dog, RESEARCH THE BREED.
It's easy to do. Attend a dog show, in particular a "benched" show which means the people have to stay in the holding area with their dogs throughout the show so you have plenty of opportunity to talk to them.
People love to talk about what they know about. (Witness this Board!)
The other thing that's easy is to visit your local library as any good sized library will have the American Kennel Club (AKC) book of dogs which is huge and has more dogs pictured and described than you can believe exist!
Put Westminster Kennel Club in your search engine and up come more links than you can throw a stick at! or try this :
