Originally Posted By: Faldage
Is this Grandiloquent Dictionary noted for such miscasting of words or otherwise generally suspect?

I'd have to say an emphatic "yes!" to that. someone did a study of the GD: "946 of these 2700 words do not yield any results in six different dictionaries, hence many of them might be misspellings". and goes on to list some of the misspellings: abcedarian, anaxiphillia, anklyosis, antedeluvian, anthrophobia, arachibutyrophillia, autovoxiphillia, chilihedron, dendrophillia, divigate, dolichprosopic, eleutherophillist, gerontophillia, hisbid, lucelence, misandronist, neophillia, nuciverous, olfactphobia, onamatophobia, orthpraxy, pathenophillia, pathenophobia, pedantrocracy, puellaphillist, schrecklichkreit, shistaceous, sorocide, taphephillia, tonitruphobia, tyrophillia, valedutinarian, vespertillian* link

earlier this year I did a week of wwftds on words taken from GD:
imparlibidinous (Bird had this as inparlibidinous)
schrecklichkeit (misspelled as schrecklichkreit)
percribrate (the misspelling in C. S. Bird was percribate)
mutuatitial (misspelled as mutatitial)
obaceration (Bird actually had this spelled correctly, but dropped it for lack of verification; as of Dec. 2008 it has a definitive headword in the online OED, whereas it was pretty well obscured (under obacerate) in OED2.)

[one of the disclaimers on my site: "You try spell-checking this stuff!"]

I've tried various knock-offs of the word in question here , flabuginous; no joy.

*you might actually recognize some of these; e.g., abecedarian, antediluvian, divagate, schistaceous, valetudinarian, etc.

Last edited by tsuwm; 11/29/09 05:50 PM.