>I guess, in American terms, that puts me firmly with what is known as the Loony Left. Interestingly enough in Zild political terms I'm slighty right of centre.

My point precisely! [grin] I think that the same would be true in Australia, Britain and certainly the vast majority of Europe! This is one of the reasons why I think "liberal" means left in the US and to me (I won't speak for others) it means MOR.

PS My results were not surprising - 89% Ralph Nader, Joseph Leiberman 66%, Al Gore 62%, George W Bush 16% (worrying that one!) and I didn't even express a preference on some domestic issues that I didn't know enough about, eg "the three strikes rule". In the UK, I'd describe myself as a little to the left of centre, where does that put those who are more left wing than me! I just hope that this is enough to put me on someone's "worrying troublemaker" list - I'll never get a visa again!