Yo, Dewd-O. Listen up.

"Actually, piewackett, I did read Feminism 101 and it bored me. Thus, the no comment."

Bored? Of course you were. The way the entrenched rich are bored when the perennially poor protest about being poor.

The way white people who are never discriminated against are bored by black people who protest discrimination.

To recap Mac-O here's, what happened. You asked a supremely ignorant question on a website not entitled Idiot’s De-Lite. I answered you, warning that the subject was a vast one, and not a simple one.

If you had just put up number 6 in the first place, everything would have been alright.”

Maybe your reading comprehension skills are not up to par. It is not a simple subject, but apparently there are simple minds

”You see, when someone tosses out a request for a simple definition and you reply with an approximately 3000 word incoherent treatise."

Once again Bub-O , that was from the Masculine Mystique, I didn’t write it. As for the list of male privileges being incoherent- perhaps to you they are. I understand them well.
The oppressed always understands their oppressor better than the oppressor understands themselves. S-u-r-v-i-v-a-l.

Was I not Y2K patriarchal patty-cake compliant for your ego stroking needs? Tough.

You posted this on 6/29

“Being a specialized term, I suppose I'll have to join up with some psychology and feminist forums in order to get a handle on this.”

THEN you posted this on 7/2

“Now, if I were searching for feminine or feminist views --as I sometimes do-- that would have been more than appropriate. Even generous, I daresay. (Though, I probably wouldn't have come to Wordsmith to find that.)”

For your edification, Bucko- Feminist and feminine are not interchangeable terms.

Typical male mind! You cannot help but change it every two seconds; must be your hormones controlling your little head and your big head, or are they one in the same?

You ask about a political/sociological term and complain when you get a political/sociological answer.

“Now, I think I'll watch a little porno before turning in for the night. Cheers.”


“Hope I haven't caused any offense.

Liar! Hypocrite! Repugnicant! J’accuse!

Of course you meant to offend. There are real rewards for complying with the patriarchy. If other women or even (heaven forbid men) won’t call you out on this, it doesn’t mean you aren’t a total smeghead. You are.

“Now that I'm a pig again, I can hardly get any privacy.”

Are you trying to say you once had kinda sorta maybe had a moral compass, but it was so gosh darn hard to be an individual, so you caved and conformed to behaviors you knew to be wrong and repulsive? Poor wittle white dewd! O, the sufferings of the menz! When will it end?

Please do stop comparing yourself to pigs, thus insulting my porcine friends. They are intelligent, sensitive creatures and only wallow in their own waste when forced to. You do it voluntarily.

So, in conclusion, my diminished capacity Friend-O,

As a member of a group who oppresses (I am white) I am hyper- aware of my privilege. I have had job opportunities, housing opportunities and a multitude of benefits from my “white passport" skin. This fact disgusts me.

If I had asked an African -American person to explain to me a racist term I did not understand and they then attempted as best they could to answer me, here is what I would not do.

I would not ignore them, then dismiss them, tell then I am bored, and then end the conversation with a “joke” using the N-Word as a punch line.

But that’s me. It ain’t you, is it?

That’s exactly what you did Tom-O, Harry-O, and above all Dick-O.

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
J Krishnamurti

Last edited by piewackett; 07/11/09 12:30 AM.