As still try to get it right what about this one. It seems to have a negative (?) as well as a positive (?) meaning:

Main Entry: de·pose
Pronunciation: \di-ˈpōz, dē-\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): de·posed; de·pos·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French deposer, from Late Latin deponere (perfect indicative deposui), from Latin, to put down
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
1: to remove from a throne or other high position
2: to put down : deposit
3 [Middle English, from Medieval Latin deponere, from Late Latin] a: to testify to under oath or by affidavit b: affirm, assert c: to take a deposition of <depose a witness>
intransitive verb
: to bear witness

btw, the same positive/negative seems to go with dis·pose

Last edited by BranShea; 05/09/09 11:00 AM.