Compendium of joint venture:

Chethan: 1. The Baby Boutique
2. Posh Little

Chethan: Thanks a ton - for all those who sent the suggestions.
I finally decided on
[Name] Posh Little

tsuwm: one wonders about the source of this choice..

BranShea: writes a sideline post about the meaning of the
word, but that is not what tsuwm meant.

tsuwm: you know, of course, that's not what I meant!?
-joe (why the thanks to us?) friday

BranShea: Of course I know what you meant.
But isn't it polite (of Chetan) to thank those who helped you ( i.e. Chetan) to make you ( i.e. Chetan) chose your own(Chetan's) idea ?
If only by benefits from the contrast.(excuse my poor writing style)

twosleepy: Actually, no one on this board suggested "Posh Little"!
I don't know where she got it, but it wasn't here! :0)

Try to see the comical in this.