The board's software update has led to Hindi and Urdu writings.
I hope you will let me share this with you:

I took part in a "Kites for Kids" benefit project.
School children from all sorts of immigration background delivered an idiomatic expression
in their native tongue. 150 painters of our Society chose one or two to set this to image on a large kite. I could not hand-copy this complex writing, enlarged it and transmitted it in the oldfashioned transparent-sheet way.
I chose Urdu: "Friendship is like a plant, if you don't take care of it, it will die".
Amazing how many words come out of these rather few signs. (enhanced signs)
Urdu text
(it's too big an image so I linked it)They will be hanged in City Hall and after that they will go to hospitals for chronically ill children.

A link to the ones already done in the virtual Hall. Click any number in the sideline and a kite will come up front: collection

Last edited by BranShea; 03/23/09 05:57 PM.