I don't know the one you refer to, but there are lots around like that.
"April: A full moon in April brings frost.
If the full moon rises pale expect rain.
Winter;If you bite into an apple and it has a hard skin, it's
going to be a hard winter.
The weather each of the 12 days after Christmas will indicate the
weather conditions for the 12 months of the following year.
The winder the band of brown on the banded wooly bear caterpillar, themilder the winter.
Note the first day of snow: it will correspond to the number of
winter storms.
The more silk on the ears of corn, the more snow will fall.
If Nov. l, St. Martin's day, is cold and dry, winter weather won't last long.
The more nuts squirrels gather in the fall, the more severe
the winter. The bushier their tails, the more it will snow.
Cut six onions in half and designate a month to each onion half.
Scoop out the middle of each half and fill it with salt. If the
salt melts, bad weather will prevail for that month.
There are others, one about something before St. James' day.
I don't remember.

----please, draw me a sheep----