Noted that the other day was Ground Hog Day in the US. (There was a confusing piece on early a.m. TV here which attempted to explain the background to the day. I got the bit about winter lasting six more weeks if a ground hog saw his shadow on this day, but then the piece then got mired down in "Phil" the ground hog being chauffered around NYC. This, thinks the cynical stales, is the reason we got to see it at all. You know, one of those "Only in America" things.) BTW - is this day celebrated nationally and is it a public holiday?? It would've been nice for "our reporter" to have provided some of this sort of fundamental data!!


It got me to wondering - Is there any other "Something-or-other Day" in the English speaking world where the "something-or-other" is an animal?? Perhaps it IS a case of only in America? Certainly not in Oz.
