Originally Posted By: Bio Joe
In Biology we always learned that the symbiotic relationship between the remora and the shark was an examle of COMMENSALISM, where one animal (remora hitched a free ride) benefitted and the other (shark) was not harmed.
It seems like you are now saying that the remora-shark symbiotic relationship is now MUTUALISM. Is this correct?
Bio (teacher) Joe

Bio Joe, I, too, am a newbie. The only biology I studied formally took place 55 years ago. I still know though that the head bone connected to the neck bone have parts that are called a frontal, a temporal, and an occipital.

But, (there's a conjunction that is beginning a sentence [that's relative to another list on this forum]) don't sharks benefit from the presence remoras? Don't remoras serve as a kind of vacuum cleaner for a shark's skin?