Originally Posted By: twosleepy
There is, however, more than one way to interpret his "and not a moment too soon" comment.

Another interpretation is the welcome end of any "lame duck" period. Regardless of politics, this often looong-seeming period from early November to mid January after a new president has been elected is finally over. During this period, it seems like not much can be done effectively, the new policies people voted for cannot get started, odd pardons are issued, etc. Whether you like the change or not, sometimes you wish they could just get on with it. ;-)

To the issue in general, it seems that the three things that people talk about the most are politics, religion, and sex thus there are a great many words associated with these things and a great many interesting quotes in these areas. To come up with a theme every week and to come up with an interesting quote containing a random word every day while keeping a perfect balance between all possible views or only quoting "safe" sources seems like a daunting task indeed, but I have been enjoying the words rather than keeping score of which side(s) are ahead in the quotation score.