Originally Posted By: PastorVon
BTW, the Radio Frequency Ablation of the Saphenous Veins in my left leg went fairly well yesterday. There is some tendernous this morning and a couple of spots that are sore to the touch. I'm leaving the house in a few minutes to have a Doppler Ultrasound to ascertain that things are as they ought to be on the inside.

Glad to hear it. Sounds a lot more technical than my left leg, which has a broken 5th metatarsil. I got it out of plaster on Monday but have to wear an orthotic boot for a few weeks as the bone in the gap still isn't strong enough. I should have had a screw put in it, but an operation before Christmas (which is the subject of this thread so I'm still on topic!) just wasn't convenient so I opted for just the cast. Hopefully it will eventually heal okay.