Originally Posted By: Faldage
Originally Posted By: LukeJavan8

Unless I misunderstand you, there are some denominations that celebrate the Baptism of
Jesus by John as a holy day, but not a holiday as you mention.

That may be. I just said that I didn't know of any. There's a lot of things I don't know, some of which I know I don't know and some of which I don't know I don't know. And a whole lot that I don't even know it's possible not to know. Do you know on what date the Baptism is celebrated?

This really made me laugh. It fits me to a T. There is so much I don't know and want
to know. Thanks for the laugh
I have a friend who is a Roman priest, Catholic, I mean by Roman. I called him
and he told me the feast of the Baptism of the Lord by John/Baptist is Today: 11 January.
It occurs on the Sunday after the Epiphany which is celebrated by Roman Catholics on
January 6. Yet in states west of central standard time it is on the following or previous
Sunday. Go figure. I can't.
This discussion sure makes me wonder why any religion knows what is going on.
The basic Scripture is so "convoluted", to use a term. Some religions have some books
in the Bible, other's don't - no wonder they cannot get together and just seem to keep
splitting further. One wonders what Christ would say, to say nothing of Moses.
Anyhow, thanks for the chuckle.

----please, draw me a sheep----