Originally Posted By: Myridon
The Minnow is named for FCC head Newton "TV is America's vast wasteland" Minow (with one n).

The island shown in the credits is near the island of Oahu, Hawaii in Kaneohe Bay. The show (including the lagoon) was shot in Studio City, California.

So I see from the AWAD NEWSLETTER from Anu.
And I see also why they named it that: to indicate the vast wasteland being the
state of American television programming.
And it was entertaining, not real.And, again, I could not agree more. Who, for instance, believes some poor chap
is off under a tree eating bugs, while a cameraman, gaffer, best boy, director
with producers are not just a few feet away. Starving, and on bugs. Give us
a break. Yet millions really believe it, I guess, because they keep creating
shows similar to that. And shows related to a person's fears are no better.
And the sad thing is that they call them reality TV, and I know people who
believe they are 'real'. About as real as Gilligan's Island, or I Love Lucy.
We loved them and we watched them, and knew they were not " real", but
took our mind off the 'reality' of every day life and into the lives of these
poor folks with their foibles: really: look at Lucy, her antics made our everyday
lives bearable, at least we could laugh at them. But todays wasteland of TV?
Reality. I take a good book, since TV seldom satisfies any more. If I did not
have cable, I'd probably throw out my tv when the nation goes digital. But
I like reality shows such as National Geo. and Discover. Ah poor me. Crying
in my beer again.

Last edited by LukeJavan8; 12/28/08 10:00 PM.

----please, draw me a sheep----