Hmmmmm! I had the wooden pen, nib and inkwell too when I learned a technique similar to Palmer method. My handwriting is easy to read and occasionaly when I write a check I get a compliment on my handwriting. Never been considered impaired in the brains department... However, an Editor could be considered a teacher. ????
My teachers used to say "Sloppy handwriting is the sign of a sloppy mind." Then I saw Shakespeare's signature! HA!
Sparteye's comment about taking notes sent me back to my reporter's notes, taken at high speed. Handwriting is clear and letters easily read but my "code" (for fast transcription) make it difficult for anyone but me to understand.
Handwriting sample will be submitted to any persons who care to provide me with their real-mail address!
(Going off to practice writing with my Mont Blanc Meisterstick, inherited from Dad)