Seems many of us feel that gonna/gotta/wanna are okay spoken but not so okay when written. How does this apply to "gotten?" As in "I haven't gotten sick in a long time, but now I don't feel so good."

"I haven't been sick..." Anyway - whatcha think?
Yes, Hyla, you are so correct. This is really the way I was taught to say it and write it, in grammar school 40 years ago. I was almost believing that "gotten" was OK. But really it is not, just like saying "ain't". No one notices that or even corrects it anymore, such as "I ain't gonna go." Should be "I am not going to go." Basically, we are all in a super hurry to go nowhere, we all want to relax and slow down, but our only sitting is at the computer or in the car. And then we are impatient with slow drivers and slow servers!!!! I would rather have today's cars and computers, than Amish buggies and typewriters. But most under 30 never used a typewriter.

