Jackie, my band used to do "Judy" for a laugh, which it always got if only because of the stage act our singer used. He usually picked a female victim from the audience who looked as if she could take a bit of fun and make her do actions ... you can imagine. We always figured that the "rara" was short for "tiara". But your guess is as good as mine! (Judy/Jackie)

Bingley, Delia works if you mispronounce "Delia" as Dee-LYE-a instead of dee-lee-ya. The problem appears to me to be not so much of rhyming as scansion. It just won't "go" in what I assume is 2/4 timing. And, anyway, I prefer the Barron Knights' version of it as part of "The Olympic Record" recorded in early 1968! [Throat-clearing emoticon] "Why, why, whyyyyy d'ye lie there?"

The idiot also known as Capfka ...