Originally Posted By: Faldage
 Originally Posted By: BranShea

When you look at the linked cave you see animals drawn, painted.
But in between the actual drawings, just with a little bit of imagination you can see more animals just by means of the light striking the unevennesses of the surface.

pareidolia: I'm not saying that this disproves the idea but it suggests that our seeing animal shapes in natural features on the cave walls when our minds are primed by the paintings to see those shapes does not support it, either.

Sorry for the separate post for clearness' sake.
It has a name then: pariedolia. What I meant and try to imagine is how did this given capacity of the human brain result in the first drawings. ( The cave situation is not really the point)
ThePook speaks of acid heads. I don't believe that. Even from early childhood I remember shaping mind-forms when staring at the
fourties's wallpaper. We werent on any drugs, ThePook. Maybe only a bit hungry. \:D