Originally Posted By: Faldage
 Originally Posted By: tsuwm
 Originally Posted By: Faldage
 Originally Posted By: twosleepy

and I hate very few words...sorry for the peeve-out...

Which word is that? Nevertheless?

please note new subject..

Oh, what? now I'm sposed to read subject lines? And assume they have anything to do with the nature of the post? Might as well expect me to remember which Dylan song has which title! I can't help it if some people don't know the difference between the negating in- and the intensive in-. Some people hate the word 'moist'. Sheesh! As far as I know there's some people out there who hate the word 'the'. Doesn't mean they have to go around ranting about it in the face of poor innocent people who don't have these irrational phobias.

Well, at least I'm not ranting about ranting...

It is SO hard for me not to "rofl", but I will refrain in deference to those with snooty stuck up refined sensibilities.