Originally Posted By: littleword
Cambridge Films and IMDB have cleared up everything

I'm not convinced by that. Searching for the two books mentioned on the Cambridge Films site (which aren't listed in the Library of Congress) only leads to quotes from the books, i.e. no one ever discusses the book or says they read it, it's all generally
"blah blah blah" - The Book by Author
EXCEPT for one site which has the same photograph and a little biographical info... it says (among other things) that he was born in 1948 and had a mis-spent youth in Israel. By my guesstimate, the person in the photo is at least 20 (though I suppose could be as young as 15). I am not claiming to be an expert judge of ages or period fashions and hairstyles, but if that is a picture of a circa-1965-1975 "mis-spent youth", I'll eat my hat.

Last edited by Myridon; 08/30/08 05:34 AM.