Originally Posted By: zmjezhd
Uu Kanata!
Nangmini nunavut!

We had none of Nunavut when I was in school (I think it was called Northwest Territories then) so I only know that it suddenly appeared on the new maps one year.
Since the English lyric is "Our home and native land", I'm leaping to the conclusion (since the French lyrics seem to be different) that nunavut means something along the lines of either home or native land. I wonder if it causes anyone any cognitive dissonance to sing that lyric as if The Star Spangled Banner were to say "the land of the free and the South Dakota of the brave".
On the other hand if you're singing "True patriot love in all thy sons command." while the guy next to you is singing "Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux" (your brow is girded with glorious garlands), you're probably used to that sort of thing.

Last edited by Myridon; 08/09/08 04:15 PM.