I don't buy the capitalization of "Post and Beam" so (A) is out. I like (B)'s directness. I don't believe "the setting" in (C). I don't believe (D) because I don't think raspberry wine would have a unique name for storage rooms over other types of vinoculture. The wording of (E) lacks a certain 'dictionary flavor.' (F) is attractive but I just read a long passage in Patrick O'Brian this week about winding ropes and there was no mention of the term. (G) has just the sort of faux dictionary language that I like to employ in my fake definitions. Then again maybe it is true. (H) is another too-jocular entry IMO. (I) is vague -- what game is referred to? (J) does not jive with my [limited] musical knowledge.

I cast my vote for (B) .

Last edited by Alex Williams; 08/07/08 04:27 PM.