frampold.. choose one:

a) in Post and Beam construction: the mortises of the ridge beam which accept the tenons of the end roof rafters

b) sour-tempered, cross, disagreeable, peevish

c) the setting on which parallel bars are anchored in gymnastics

d) a cool room for storage and maturation of harvested raspberries prior to making them into wine

e) the lower jaw of the clamp used to lift logs onto a logging truck

f) a winding mechanism for ropes on a clipper ship

g) of, or pertaining to, land resumed by a local government authority for purposes of public use

h) a European breed of cow, raised chiefly for milk, but also occasionally used for meat

i) to defeat (an opponent) at tables by one of the two methods recognized by the laws of the game

j) a tuning gauge of the timpani or kettle drums

the hogmaster™