Originally Posted By: RayButler

And then I realised - Mr. Ritch of Berkeley was probably referring to the US Supreme Court. A body which has jurisdiction over only 1 out of the 192 generally recognised countries - or only 4.6% of the global population. Phew! I'm still safe and sound here in Ireland. But then one has to ask - why was the term "our lives" used by Mr. Ritch? He would do well to remember that AWAD is a global phenomenon. Like so many scribes on the internet, he is guilty of that form of hegemonious US-centredness which makes the author completely forget that American culture and institutions are, in fact, very much the minority.

a similar thought occurred to me but with less heat. Many US citizens online seem to have a hic sunt dracones view of the world. Try asking them to name the twenty-eight states of the world's largest democracy and then count how many reply "there are 50, not 28". From what I've seen here though, the US citizens who post here have a much broader world view.