I'm chuckling from my armchair because this thread squabbling is very amusing. Some of you need to read "The Sneetches" by the venerable Dr. Seuss. Just substitute a big P for the the star and a big D for the lack of a star...

The funniest bit is where Hydra flings out "ignoratio elenchi" whilst remonstrating zmjezhd a bare 3 sentences later for being snooty! Thanks for a good laugh right before bed! I am not taking sides, either, just being amused...

My perception of the group on this forum is that there are no pole-sitters, really. Almost everyone seems to fall along the P------D continuum somewhere, and some even move around depending on the particular issue. I think that's the way it should be, and we all need to embrace the scope and fluidity which are, by the way, the lifeblood of the forum. (now stepping off the soap box and going to bed) :0)