Originally Posted By: LukeJavan8
I have only been with this site a couple weeks, belonging to others that discuss words far longer. I do find this site confusing however, especially in finding the word of the day and ease with which to "surf" the site. Any help would be appreciated.

early on (at the inception of these forums), the AWAD theme of the week was posted as an individual forum by Wordsmith, for discussion of individual words or the theme in general. As indicated by the the header, this is no longer the case, as "Weekly themes have been consolidated into a single forum above" (and Wordsmith very seldom posts, and then only in Information and announcements). Folks do seem to find this confusing, as the daily word tends to get comments posted all over the place; but the "Weekly Themes" forum is meant to be the place to discuss the daily word.

Other than that, if you have a topic you'd like to start, just pick an appropriate sounding forum to post it in; they're all pretty much self-explanatory, as in the forum list.

-ron o.