Originally Posted By: Faldage
Incent gets 460,000 ghits; incentivize gets 242,000.

Google does some odd things, but it's particularly odd when you try to compare searches on similar terms.
As you say
incent 456,000
incentivize 237,000
incent -incentivize 851,000
The number of pages with "incent" - the number of pages that also have "incentivize" is much greater than the number of pages with "incent" WHAT?
so (456,000 - X) = 851,000
X = -395,000
incentivize -incent = 574,000
(237,000 - Y) = 574,000
Y = -337,000

incentivize incent = 15,100
+incentivize +incent = 998
which is nowhere near 395,000 or 337,000.

Last edited by Myridon; 06/26/08 04:25 PM.