Hi, this is my first time to this board and so far I like what I see.

Yes, I have seen many churches shorten the Church's proper name by adding that apostrophe. Most Churches, as most everyone seems to know already, go by a more formal appellation such as, "Church of the Good Shepherd" or "St. Ann Church," or even, "Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul."

Now, back to that topic starter - the sign that read, "Please Drive Carefully, for our childrens sake. What a mess that is.

Shouldn't it actually read this way? [i]Please drive carefully, for our childrens' sakes.[i]

MisterMr., I got a laugh out of yours: "Give it to me, it's mines." In the hills of Western Pa., which is where my mother was born and raised, the townsfolk would refer to "You" in the plural not as another "you," but, rather, as "Youins." Such as, "Are you-ins going to the movies this afternoon?"