there are always words in one language that are offencive, and and in an other language, have similar (root) meanings --but a totally different meaning. (and nuance) and are not offensive.

In US, there is, what is called the N word--a word that has a long history of abuse, and it is offense to many.

In Ireland (and i suspect scotland and parts of UK) the same word is used to describe a warm, rich shade of brown (as in 'she bought herself a beautiful new coat of N word brown wool")

(in US i suspect we'd use dark chocolate brown (but chocolate has also been used to describe people, too!)

the words my parents thought offensive (bloody and bleeding come to mind) had no real significance in US.

other word, they "heard" as nice euphemisms. (so they didn't like us to use arse, but never made a peep at the word ass..)