Ha! for years i never made a decision. I opted, i made a choice, i elected, i went for, i defaulted to, i stuck with, or i changed my mind.

I love spell check, it has slowly trained me, with a squigglely red line, and more understanding and Um, (another word, that mean quiet understanding, endurance, gentle fortitude (or if spelled wrong, a person seeing a doctor!)

trouble with that second word, it you can get it right (ie spell check doesn't point out a wrong combination of letters) and it can still be wrong.

Stationary or stationery? (finally stand has an A and write has an E... (and the first word with an A (ary) is standing still not moving, the second with an E (ery) is paper for writing on..

INSANE! I also hate silent letters! english words are packed full of them (and being told as a child to "sound them out" was a sort of cruel and unusually punishment, and being asked to spell them, torture.

but i'll be gneiss a and end my rant!